Digital Asset Management
Enhance catalog visuals with a centralized DAM solution
Discover the convenience of storing, editing, and managing all your digital media assets in one centralized location through Unbxd PIM's AI-driven, Digital Asset Management (DAM).
Benefits of integrating DAM with a PIM platform
Secure and accessible repository
Safely store a diverse range of marketing materials and rich media, including images, videos, documents, and more.
Bulk asset management
Bulk upload and edit media assets from within the platform for agile management. Save time, boost efficiency while minimizing errors.
Asset governance
Maintain control and security over your assets, ensuring that sensitive materials are protected.
Scale with confidence
Expand your asset library as the business grows while preserving performance and usability.
Asset Association
Use advanced machine learning and AI to quickly identify and map images or assets with relevant products. Personalize these associations based on your business needs.
Key achievement with DAM
Optimized brand experience
Reduced time-to-market
Improved productivity
Maximize on stunning visuals, minimize your effort! Talk to a DAM expert.