Artificial Intelligence
Get future-ready with AI-powered Personalization and Search
Improve shopper experience with highly scalable self-learning AI models. Boost conversions quickly by instantly improving relevance without any training and deployment.
Interpret shopper intent with Vector Search
Deliver accurate results with advanced query understanding. Interpret query context effectively to find relevant products and enhance the shopping experience.
Adapt to changes in shopper behavior with dynamic ranking
Generate higher revenue with easy-to-implement, self-learning AI models. Leverage over 200 signals to optimize product rankings, conversions, and revenue per visit.
Enable easy discovery with advanced context-aware search capabilities
Visual Search
Extend search capabilities beyond text-based queries. Enable shoppers to upload images of inspiration into the search bar and find visually similar products.
Conversational AI
Delight shoppers with a personalized shopping assistant, guiding their entire shopping journey through real-time chat support.
Measurement Search
Identify alphanumeric keywords in shopper queries and match them with catalog-recognized units for accurate results.
Fitment Search
Intelligently detect product details in search queries and connect shoppers with compatible items to increase the cart size.
Achieve business objectives with data-driven algorithms
Reduce engineering costs by leveraging Netcore Unbxd self-serve console for effortless AI model implementation and deployment.
Interpret intent with cost-effective AI and enhance product discovery.