Recommendations Algorithms
Effectively upsell and cross-sell with self-learning algorithms
Increase average order value with AI-driven algorithms. Suggest products in line with shoppers’ funnel position as potential upcoming purchases.
Respond to unique shopper preferences in real-time
Provide 1:1 recommendations based on shopper interactions and affinities to shorten the purchase journey.
Identify similar tastes among shoppers
Utilize the wisdom of shoppers with similar preferences to recommend products with a high likelihood of conversion.
Recommend products related to the selected item
Enhance catalog visibility by leveraging product affinity algorithms to propose matching or complementary items to shoppers.
Suggest top and trending products
Recommend items liked or purchased by most shoppers within a short period. Additionally, employ fallback for new shoppers without interaction history.
Catalog-wide bestsellers
Recommend best sellers of the entire product catalog on the Home Page.
Category-wise top performers
Suggest top-selling products within a specific category on Category Pages.
Brand-based trending picks
Display the best-selling products of each brand on the Brand Pages.
Maximize revenue potential with self-learning algorithms.